Cross Timbers Food Cooperative

Vision Statement

Revised February 19, 2006

The Cross Timbers Food Cooperative is committed to developing a self-reliant, self-empowering community, by offering a retail exchange to the North Texas region for goods and services which are grown, produced, traded, and distributed locally, in a sustainable, equitable, and responsible manner.

We engage in sound ethical business practices as we treat members, vendors, suppliers, volunteers, and the community fairly, honestly, and responsibly. We will expect those with whom we conduct business to do the same.

We value resource and raw material renew-ability by encouraging recycling and the re-use of materials. We believe the long-term cost to society of landfills and waste disposal must not be passed on to future generations.

We support ethical and healthy animal husbandry practices and believe that harmful or cruel treatment of animals is undesirable behavior in a sustainable holistic economy.

We celebrate the cultural diversity of North Texas and seek to create a marketplace reflective of this diversity. We encourage members to strengthen their cross-cultural understanding by experiencing the variety goods and services that North Texas offers.

We operate our coop autonomously, independently, efficiently, and transparently; and pledge to maintain a supportive environment that fosters goodwill, cooperation, and participation among our members, staff, other cooperatives, and the community at large. We value the opinions and voices of all our members.

We strive to educate and empower our membership to make informed economic decisions. We encourage the free exchange of non-dogmatic, non-doctrinaire information about the sources and uses of products.

The Cross Timbers Food Cooperative believes in the power of individual creativity and self-determination. We value simplicity, authenticity, and genuine craftsmanship, and promote the local community and the local artisan whenever possible.


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